Tuesday 18 October 2011

Inital Song Ideas

Initially my partner and I had similar trains of thoughts when it came to chosing a song for our music video. We were both in unison with deciding that we wanted to use an already created song rather than produce our own due to lack of time for the project.

We both wanted to do a song that could have simple yet affective narrative. We knew that we wouldn't have the resources to create a video with loads of people and elaberate sets, therefore this also affected our song choice. We wanted to go with an 'Indie/Pop' feel style genre as narrative to these types of music aren't too difficult. We narrowed it down to certain artits that we both liked and in the end came to the decison of 'Katy Perry - Teenage Dream'. We chose this song because it has an easy tempo to uphold also the lyrics aren't too precise therefore when coming up with narrative we have a lot of different options.

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